Shifting Identities - [Swiss] Art Now » Events

Wednesday, 23 April, 18.30h

Film- und Video-Abend
mit Keren Cytter, Maya Deren, Jesper Just, Jen Liu, Markus Schinwald und Andro Wekua

Das Motiv des Doppelgängers feiert in der zeitgenössischen Kunst Renaissance. Dies zeigen die puppenartigen Figuren, die häufig als Verkörperungen des spiegelhaften Anderen auftauchen. Aber auch in Film und Video untersuchen Künstlerinnen und Künstler vermehrt wieder dieses Thema. Wir zeigen daher Filme und Videos, in denen es um Doppelgänger und Alter Egos, aber auch um mysteriöse Verwandlungen und psychologische Beziehungen und Räume geht. Es gibt nicht nur Videos von zeitgenössischen Künstlerinnen und Künstlern zu sehen, sondern auch Raritäten aus dem Experimentalfilm.

Gesamtdauer: 70min 60sec

Eintritt frei

Maya Deren
Meshes of the Afternoon, 1943-59
14min, in collaboration with Alexander Hammid, music by Teiji Ito

Andro Wekua
Sicut Lilium Inter Spinas, 2003
7min, Video (DVD), loop
Soundtrack by Felix Profos

Markus Schinwald
Children’s Crusade, 2004
2 min 34 sec, colour/sound

Jesper Just
Some Draughty Window, 2007
8min, colour, PAL, super 16mm transferred to DVD

Jesper Just
A Vicious Undertow, 2007
10min, b/w, PAL, super 16mm transferred to DVD

Jen Liu
The Brethren of the Stone: Comfortably Numb, 2006
12 min 26 sec, PAL 4:3, DVD projection
Music by Zach Layton

Keren Cytter
21/5/04 (The Dates series), 2004
5min, b/w, sound, digital video

Maya Deren
Meditation on Violence, 1948
12min, 16mm
Music arranged by Maya Deren

Intro : Performance@Museum – Alexandra Bachzetsis

Posted by annie 14April 3:01 PM

Alexandra Bachzetsis performing ‘Gold’
at the Kabinett, Kunsthaus Zurich, Wednesday 9 April 2008 19.30hrs

Intro : Performance@Museum – Yan Duyvendak

Posted by annie 14April 2:57 PM

Yan Duyvendak performing ‘Made in Paradise (Fragmente)’
at the Kabinett, Kunsthaus Zurich, Wednesday 9 April 2008 18.30hrs

icon for podpress  Made in Paradise (Fragmente): Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Wednesday, 9. April, 18.30h

A huge crowd gathered in the Kabinett of the Kunsthaus for the performances first by Yan Duyvendak and then Alexandra Bachzetsis.

Yan Duyvendak – Made in Paradise (Fragmente)
photos of Yan’s performance here

Alexandra Bachzetsis – Gold
photos of Alexandra’s performance here

Video of both performances coming soon on podcast.

Video of lecture (Abbt & Bauer) is podcasted on iTunes. You can now find the link to download on previous Abbt& Bauer posting. Due to some technical hitches there was a longer than expected delay. Sorry for that.

Wednesday, 9. April, 18.30h

1. Alexandra Bachzetsis – Gold
In her aptly titled solo performance Gold, Alexandra Bachzetsis continues to explore the proverbial gold standard of the libidinal economy that buttresses contemporary visual culture - the erotocized, empowered female body. Propelled, among others, by a riveting dance track courtesy of Missy Elliott, Kelis and Khia - a potent symbol of sex-laden female power in her own right - Gold deftly plays around the ambiguous choreographic vernacular of hiphop and R&B: a black-and-tan tits-and-ass show complete with the obligatory sprinkling of gold dust, Bachzetsis’ solo piece offers a powerful and fully embodied reflection on dance culture, visual pleasure and the commodification of fantasy.
Concept and Performance: Alexandra Bachzetsis
Artistic advice: Danai Anesiadou, David Blum, Lies van Borm
Text: Dieter Roelstraete
Photo: Danai Anesiadou
Production: Helga Duchamps
Supported by Pro Helvetia Arts Council of Switzerland

2. Yan Duyvendak – Made in Paradise (Fragmente)
Concept: Yan Duyvendak and Nicole Borgeat
With: Omar Ghayatt and Yan Duyvendak
Set design: Sylvie Kleiber


Intro : Artist@Museum – Donatella Bernardi

Posted by annie 12March 8:14 AM

Donatella Bernardi

Donatella Bernardi 1976* (Performance)

Performance date: Wednesday, 21 May 2008, 18.30h
Location: Kunsthaus Zürich, Heimplatz 1


What are your origins?
Half Swiss, half Italian

Officially, you are a citizen of which country?
Switzerland & Italy

Where are the places that you have lived for more than 6 months?
Geneva, Hamburg, Roma, Maastricht

Where do you live and work right now?
Roma, Maastricht

Is [the country you are living in now] your final destination?
If not, then where else?
No idea

Name 3 changes you would like to see of Switzerland? (please answer even if you don’t live in Switzerland)
a. More women at the Government, in Universities, in the artistical & intellectual fields
b. More smiles
c. More social care for old people

If you are living elsewhere, name 3 changes you would like to see of that country you are living in now.
a. Stronger critical opinion for Italy

What is your favourite recipe?

Intro : Artist@Museum – Alexandra Bachzetsis

Posted by annie 12March 12:36 AM

Alexandra Bachzetsis

Alexandra Bachzetsis 1974* (Performance)

Performance date: Wednesday, 9 April 2008, 18.30h
performance with Yan Duyvendak
Location: Kunsthaus Zürich, Heimplatz 1


What are your origins?
Half Greek, half Swiss

Officially, you are a citizen of which country?
Switzerland, and Greece

Where are the places that you have lived for more than 6 months?
Brussels, Berlin, Amsterdam, Zürich

Where do you live and work right now?
Zürich, Gent

Is [the country you are living in now] your final destination?
If not, then where else?
The cities: Paris,Brussels, New York, Buenos Aires and some places at the sea in Greece

Name 3 changes you would like to see of Switzerland? (please answer even if you don’t live in Switzerland)
a. It is located at the sea
b. My friends from Amsterdam, Antwerp and Brussels live here
c. Taking pubilc transport is for free

What is your favourite recipe?
Nüsslisalat with egg and spätzli with fried onions…with out pepper!!!